We Need Proper Planning & Management

We Need Proper Planning & Management---The only reason behind this we lag behind from the other country for this....As we can see this picture, this picture is snappend by me somedays before......While i am passing through one of the busiest street of "Mugda" I saw there are the people of DCC (Dhaka City Corporation) digging the street for repairing the basemental pipe line of gas or water. But my question is "Why Noe???" We Know that rainy season is oncoming and in this time digging the road means nothing but the creation of problem for the people.....So wake up Bangladesh and take Proper Planning to prevent this sort of problems.......

Stop Child Marriage

Child marriage is a common plight in Bangladesh. The legal age for marriage is 18 for girls, and 21 for boys. However, about half of all girls are married by the age of 15, and 60 per cent become mothers by the age of 19. Early pregnancy and childbirth often lead to health complications. An estimated 50 per cent of adolescent girls are undernourished and suffer from anaemia. Most are not properly educated about reproductive health and contraception, and are often vulnerable to dowry-related violence, kidnappings and rape. So wake up Bangladesh and stop child marriage.........

How We Are Wasting Our Time....

Everyday we the people of Bangladesh face a problem that is known as traffic jam....And it is the most common problem of our country......By these we are losing our valuable time....
The traffic jam in Dhaka city is caused due to the (i) ill-planned roads with numerous U-turn, roundabout, traffic signal and speed breakers located rationally, (ii) pedestrians, auto-drivers, motorcyclists and traffic police show least respect to the traffic rules, (iii) public transport mostly lacks road fitness, (iv) traffic signs on city streets are in adequate, clumsy and not according to international norms (v) privileged including the uniform personnel care little for traffic regulations, (vi) 18 railgates of Dhaka city close 82 times daily jamming the traffic flow at rail gates, (vii) beggars, street vendors and pedestrians seriously hinder traffic movement at road signals, (viii) rickshaw peddlers, motorcyclists and auto rickshaw drivers hinder traffic movement creating serious road accident risk, (ix) street sides at busy commercial areas lack adequate parking space, (x) buses, trucks and other big automobiles stop wishfully caring little for public inconveniences, (xi) bus stops and terminals are neither planned nor inadequate consequently create traffic blockades, (xii) inter-district bus, truck and other type of automobile run through the city streets creating traffic problem.

Harmful Food Habit....

In Bangladesh most people still buy their daily household food requirments from markets located in their neighbourhood. There are fish markets, meat markets, vegetable, fruit markets and small shops selling other grocery items. They are all close to each other. ar, quite close to each other. Fish and vegetables are also sold by travelling vendors who come to your door step. Near the market there are general stores where you can buy refirgerated materials like milk, drinks etc. In the markets one has to bargain the price.
Bangladesh has always been famous throughout the subcontinent for its sweets. In the olden days there were some famous names like Maranchand and Kalachand sweets. Now their next generations are carrying on the business as Maranchand and sons and Maranchand and grand sons etc. There are some new sweet shops now which are popular like Alauddin (Green Road), Muslim sweets (Shegun Bagicha and Shanti nagar), Ambala (Dhanmondi R/A) etc. They all sell the standard sweets like raw-shoh-gohl-la, shawn-desh, chawm chawm, kaalo jaam, raw-shoh maalaai, mishti doi, praan hara, jilebi etc. For all these sweets the main ingredients are milk and sugar. In some new upmarket shops in Gulshan area in Dhaka they have started experimenting and developing modified versions of these sweets to suit the modern palate, who are used to western sweets

Bangladesh is also famous for its street food though foreigners should be careful becasue of the hygiene maintained by these street vendors. It is easy to get upset stomach and diarrhoea if you are not used to spicy food. People have also been known to have come back from Bangladesh with typhoid or jaundice because of having taken street food. When trying out street food ensure the following:
(a) the place is cleand
(b) the food is prepared in front of you (dont take pre-prepared food)
(c) the person preparing the food is wearing clean clothes and his body and hands look clean. Watch him for sometime and observe him - how he handles his food, where he wipes his hand, what else he does while preparing the food etc.
(d) how the food is served
(e) what type of water is used for cleaning utensils and oil for fying

Shingara is the most common snack. It is made from ruff puff pastry filled with vegetables or meat and deep fried, called samosa in the west. Tasty and filling
Daal-puriSmall saucer sized pancake with lentil stuffing and deep fried
Paw-raa-thaaMedium sized, either round or square shaped bread made from ruff puff pastry and deep fried. Called roti paratha in the west.
Mugh-laai paw-raa-thaaParatha with stuffing like eggs or minced meat
Nim-keeSmall triangular shaped flat bread made from ruff puff pastry
Loo-chiSmall saucer sized pancake with hollow inside - eaten with fried potatoes (alu bhaji), omelette or other cooked dishes
Chawt-poh-teeChick peas mixed with different spices. Phuch-kaaSmall pancakes (about 1.5 inch diameter) with hollow inside. A hole is made on top middle to pour spiced chawt-paw-tee mix and turmetic juice. Put in mouth one by one.
These kind of foods are harmful for health and everybody should avoid eating such kind of food.....

Where is the Bus Stop????

Dhaka with less than 10 per cent open space belongs to amongst the world's highest populous cities where 40,000 people live/km2 but the well planned cities have over 25 per cent open space. The ill-planned, ill-maintained and ill-managed road networks in Dhaka metropolis presently cover 3,500 Km or less. The city roads have only 500 Km footpath. The footpaths even the RoWs are occupied by 2.0 million squatters, hawkers, beggars, shopkeepers and developers leaving no share to the pedestrians. The traffic loads in Dhaka streets numbering cars (1,50,000), Jeeps/Microbuses (58,000), Taxis (11,000), Buses (78,000) Minibuses (8,500), Trucks (28,000), Auto-rickshaws (14,500), Motorcycles (2, 12,000) and other vehicles (17,000). There are over 800,000 rickshaws, rickshaw vans, pushcarts, bullock carts in addition to occupy part of the city streets. The length of automobiles accounts for 17,50 Kms in total whereas the length of rickshaw alone is over 15,00 Kms. The length different automobiles cover is 600 Km for car, 35 Km for Jeeps/Microbuses, 55 Km for Taxis, 4,70 Km for Buses, 45 Km for Minibuses, 1,70 Km for trucks, 30 Km for Auto-rickshaws, 3,50 for Motorcycle and smaller transports and 15,00 Km for Rickshaws and non-motorised transports.

There were many bus stop in Dhaka city, but at present if we take a look on that bus stop we will see that the bus stops are not available now.....My question is why????We all should search the answer of this.....

Be Clean & Be Safe

Bangladesh is the one small but populated country. And Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh, which is also populated. There is several living of styles and many people work on several occupation. You say that it is the combination of varieties. So variety people and varieties event occur here every day which is so much interesting.
Some of the experiences are enjoyable and some of the experiences are horrible. But both experiences are useable for our life. Not only for citizen of Dhaka but also for all people in the world. If people know the situation and can get information how to handle the situation they can overcome many problems in their daily life.
As we can see in the given picture a huge wastage is being kept over the footpath and it results a suffering situation for the People.....

Breaking The Riverside

In Bangladesh breaking the riverside is most common scenario for all of us....People who use to live in the riverside they are the most victim of the breaking of the riverside and it brings a huge loss for Bangladeshi people.....We all should come forward and do something for the affected people of riverside....


In Bangladesh there are many people who doesn't have any home for their living. As a result they went out and use to live their life in streets and these people are called the homeless as well as helpless people.......So Banladeshi people wake up and try to help this people if you can................

What is this??????

Bangladesh is the one small but populated country. And Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh, which is also populated. There is several living of styles and many people work on several occupation. There are many event occurs. Some of the experiences are enjoyable and some of the experiences are horrible. As we can see on the given picture it is an unexpected and horrible experience for us.....Hope this kind of scene will not repeat again....

Global Warming

The Earth is heating up. The early warning signs of global climate change are in -- heat waves and warmer weather, spreading disease, breaking soil...Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century.....In Bangladesh it efforts a lot and it cause a huge loss.....Wake up Bangladesh and try to get rid from this problem....


Wearing a helmet is the single most effective way of reducing head injuries and fatalities resulting from motorcycle and bicycle crashes. Wearing a helmet has been shown to decrease the risk and severity of injuries among motorcyclists by about 70%, the likelihood of death by almost 40%, and to substantially reduce the costs of health care associated with such crashes. The importance of increasing helmet use follows dramatic growth in motorization around the world, largely from increasing use of motorized two-wheelers, particularly in Asian countries. In China, for example, motorcycle ownership over the last ten years has increased rapidly. In 2004 it was estimated that more than 67 million motorcycles were registered in the country, and approximately 25% of all road traffic deaths were among motorcyclists and their passengers. But in Bangladesh this rule is being broken by the people....But for safety reason I think every bike rider should wear helmet....


In the picture we can see that a cap of the manhole is open and the manhole is situated over the road, where many vehicles are running everyday....As a result the driver of the vehicle has to be very careful while driving. Otherwise they and their vehicle will fall in a big trouble......So it is our duty to raise our voice against such kind of things.....


Rules are there to make us more disciplined..... or is it?...... for some, its nothing more than a guideline to be undisciplined..... they're only meant to be broken..... if the rule-makers don't deserve respect, their rules would also face the same fate......
At least he is respectfully not doing it directly upon the notice!!!. In our streets all drivers of public vehicles do it daily, if figuratively. However, all their vehicles have a prominently painted injunction al the rear "traffic ayin mene cholun" (= obey traffic rules). I think the idea of painting it at the rear implies it is meant for the vehicle following him, not for himself. Wake up Bangladesh and obey the traffic rule......

Stop Violence Against Women

Living free from violence is a human right. Yet millions of women and girls around the world encounter rape, domestic abuse, mutilation and other forms of gender-based violence. Too often no one is held accountable for these crimes. In Bangladesh the rate of the violence against women is greater than any other country. We can urge governments to hold perpetrators responsible and put an end to this cycle of violence against women. Take action to stop violence against women!!!!

Foothpath Block

Bangladesh is the one small but populated country. And Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh, which is also populated. There is several living of styles and many people work on several occupation. You say that it is the combination of varieties. So variety people and varieties event occur here every day which is so much interesting.
Some of the experiences are enjoyable and some of the experiences are horrible. But both experiences are useable for our life. Not only for citizen of Dhaka but also for all people in the world. If people know the situation and can get information how to handle the situation they can overcome many problems in their daily life.
In Dhaka many in many area foothpath is being blocked by many people.....By which all the people have to suffer from many problems.....

Past and Present

In this picture we can see that it's a building....it's a building as well as it's a hospital. It was not a hospital either. It was a lake and it was known as "Mugda Jhil". But look at picture now we just for one profit we have just lost one of our lake. As a result people of that area suffer from flood every year in the rainy season. The reason is that rain water have no other place to flow and our drainage system is to weak to solve this problem.

Open smoking....

Bangladesh bans smoking in public places. Bangladesh Parliament passed a bill imposing a ban on smoking at public places and in public transports, as well as on advertisement of tobacco products. According to that bill Health and Family Welfare Minister Khandakar Mosharraf Hossain introduced the bill titled "Smoking and Tobacco Usage (control) Act, 2005", which prohibits publication of advertisements of tobacco products in newspapers, books, magazines, radio and television broadcasts, as well as in cinema. In this bill there are an act that imposes Tk. 50 fine on open smoking, but people of Bangladesh are not aware of this act and they are violating the act everyday....

Stay Before the Street Children

In our country there are many children use to live in the streets. The reason behind this is they are not well in economic side. Many of these children are homeless. Thus they use live in the foothpath. They are so helpless and they don't even know about their rights. Every time they are being deprived from their basic rights.....So my request to you all please Stay Before the Street Children and help them as far as you can......Try to give their basic rights of living in a house, getting proper nutritions and other basic human rights.

The result of our whimsical

Look at the given picture......Is it looking so great???I don't thing so. I think it's a picture of our whimsical. In the picture there are many wires are hanging without planning. Here many kind of wires are hanging such as telephones wire, internet wire, electric wire and many other. And these wires are arranged in such a haphazard way that it is looking so ugly. When people see it from far it looks something like the net of a spider man......

Use Footoverbridge

In Bangladesh there are many footoverbridge for crossing the road. These over bridges are only for the people that they can cross the road safely. But at present we can see that people of Bangladesh are not using that bridges properly. They use to cross the road by foot. As a result many road accident are happening and vehicle drivers are failing in danger while they drive.... So wake up Bangladesh and use footoverbridge properly....

When the sun will rise for us???

Unemployment….one of the major problems of Bangladesh and people of Bangladesh more or less familiar with this problem. The reason behind this familiarity is- in almost every house of Bangladesh you can find unemployed people. The shocking news is that many people of these houses are well enough for a better job, but as we all know that in Bangladesh there are a scarcity of jobs. And some jobs are not well enough for a graduate student. As a result many brilliant students of Bangladesh are working for the multinational organization and in foreign organization and giving their best for other country. Thus Bangladesh and we the Bangladeshi people are not getting their skill hand and their invisible power…….

OUR Traffic police

When we go outside we see that in many point of our street there are many police working to control our traffic system, they are known as traffic police. They are being employed for control the traffic system, but look at the picture….”what are you guys watching???” Here you can see that how the power of a traffic police is being misused or you can see they are getting burden for the people. In the left picture you see that a traffic police is taking money and breaking traffic law by giving the vehicle the chance of the “U” turn. So my question is “what is the work of a traffic police???”


In Bangladesh there are many activities that people should avoid, but we the people of Bangladesh more and more involving in those kinds of activities. Drug addiction is one of them. People of Bangladesh are being destroyed of this curse and the main affected people of this curse are our youth community. Drug is a thing that destroys people’s thinking capability and turns people’s life into death. So wake up Bangladesh and say no to drugs.