Our Culture

“Pohela Boishakh” is one of the biggest festivals of Bangladesh. In this day people of Bangladesh receive a new year cordially. Many programs are being arranged to celebrate the day. It’s like a reunion of all Bengalis. Many traditional foods are eaten and traditional dresses are worn by the people. In this day people lost in their own culture.

But in present day we can see that we are getting westernized, which we called “modern”. In the name of modernization we are doing something that is not our nature and not our culture. That is only adoption of other culture. Take a look of the picture……Normally we enjoy “Pohela Boishakh” traditionally as I said before, but now a days many people arranging DJ party to celebrate the day which is not in our culture………

Dowry System

Dowry system….a common phenomenon of Bangladesh. It is being seen in rural area. It is a process where the bride family gave to give something to the bridegroom family. For these many poor families daughter is remaining unmarried. If they marry they have to face the problem of dowry. And the most sufferer of this problem is the rural people. But they don’t know about the law where dowry is strictly prohibited. Giving or taking dowry is the breaking of the law and is a crime…….

Save Electricity

In Bangladesh we know there are huge shortages of electricity. Moreover in many areas over here have no electricity. In rural area the electricity is only a show. Maximum time people don’t get electricity at all. Look at the picture. It’s a picture of a governmental organization. People are not present, but the fan is on, as a result we are wasting our electricity……So my request to you all please save electricity and use it only when necessary.


The 21st February…..what is the special thing about this day??? The answer is so simple: it is our declared as our “MARTYRS DAY”, because of the contribution of our language martyr for our mother tongue “Bangle”. Now a days this day is celebrated as “International Mother Language Day”. Bengali people celebrate this day in respect to our martyrs. In this day people use to go to the “Shahid Minar” (which symbolizes our pride and respect for our language martyrs) and give flower to show their honor and I am really sorry to say that the honor that is shown by us is only for one day. The rest of the of the year our “Shahid Minar” is being kept in a haphazard manner, which shows our disrespect…..So wake up Bangladesh ……


Look at the picture.... That's a picture of Bangladesh. In this picture we can see that people are travelling in the train with so many risk. Normally people face this kind of situation in any vacation time such as Eid day, Puja, Chrismas day and many other traditional and religious festivals. We know that there are a shortage of transport in Bangladesh. For this reason people are taking risk of their own life. Wake up Bangladesh and avoid such kind of risk.........


"Corruption" the most familiar word for Bangladeshi people. Because we all are the victim of corruption. Corruption is hardly a victimless crime. Whoever related with corruption are also a victim of this virus. The reason for calling this practice as virus, because it destroys our inner feelings. If we take a look about this virus we will see that the most corrupted person's of our country are the political leaders and elite persons of our society. Chad and Bangladesh are the most corrupt countries on Earth, according to an annual survey of world corruption released in 2010. That is not at all a good sign for us. So wake up Bangladesh and fight against corruption.

How Helpless we are.....

As we can see in this picture the common side our country, our poverty. How helpless people over here. They have no abode for living. And the result of this we can watch over here. These people don't know what will happen with them tomorrow, they don't even know how they will live. But look at them how they are sleeping as like they are in heaven...That is the reality of our country and I think we all guys should come forward and do something for them.

Our Pride--Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) was the youngest son of Debendranath Tagore, a leader of the Brahmo Samaj, which was a new religious sect in nineteenth-century Bengal and which attempted a revival of the ultimate monistic basis of Hinduism as laid down in the Upanishads. He was educated at home; and although at seventeen he was sent to England for formal schooling, he did not finish his studies there. In his mature years, in addition to his many-sided literary activities, he managed the family estates, a project which brought him into close touch with common humanity and increased his interest in social reforms. He also started an experimental school at Shantiniketan where he tried his Upanishadic ideals of education. From time to time he participated in the Indian nationalist movement, though in his own non-sentimental and visionary way; and Gandhi, the political father of modern India, was his devoted friend. Tagore was knighted by the ruling British Government in 1915, but within a few years he resigned the honour as a protest against British policies in India.
Tagore had early success as a writer in his native Bengal. With his translations of some of his poems he became rapidly known in the West. In fact his fame attained a luminous height, taking him across continents on lecture tours and tours of friendship. For the world he became the voice of India's spiritual heritage; and for India, especially for Bengal, he became a great living institution.
Although Tagore wrote successfully in all literary genres, he was first of all a poet. Among his fifty and odd volumes of poetry are Manasi (1890) [The Ideal One], Sonar Tari (1894) [The Golden Boat], Gitanjali (1910) [Song Offerings], Gitimalya (1914) [Wreath of Songs], and Balaka (1916) [The Flight of Cranes]. The English renderings of his poetry, which include The Gardener (1913), Fruit-Gathering (1916), and The Fugitive (1921), do not generally correspond to particular volumes in the original Bengali; and in spite of its title, Gitanjali: Song Offerings (1912), the most acclaimed of them, contains poems from other works besides its namesake. Tagore's major plays are Raja (1910) [The King of the Dark Chamber], Dakghar (1912) [The Post Office], Achalayatan (1912) [The Immovable], Muktadhara (1922) [The Waterfall], and Raktakaravi (1926) [Red Oleanders]. He is the author of several volumes of short stories and a number of novels, among them Gora (1910), Ghare-Baire (1916) [The Home and the World], and Yogayog (1929) [Crosscurrents]. Besides these, he wrote musical dramas, dance dramas, essays of all types, travel diaries, and two autobiographies, one in his middle years and the other shortly before his death in 1941. Tagore also left numerous drawings and paintings, and songs for which he wrote the music himself.
From Nobel Lectures, Literature 1901-1967, Editor Horst Frenz, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1969

How much we know about our pride "kobiguru Rabindranath Tagore"??? Although he was one of greatest Bengali ever, but look on the other side how much he mean for the chinese people....

When will we learn?

Bangladesh is a country if you go out then you won’t believe that it is a developing country. The reason behind this is the number of our vehicle. There are a large number of vehicles available in our streets. But the interesting thing is that most of these vehicles are antique piece. In Japan as we now that the vehicle that is more than three (3) years of old is banded by the government, because these vehicles use a lot of oil than the new one. Also these vehicles are polluting the air. In Bangladesh there are a rule exists like this, but there is no person to follow the rule. Moreover there is no one to see that the rule is maintained or not. As a result our valuable oil is wasting and environment is getting polluted. Moreover in the given picture we can see that how people are suffering from this. When will we learn such things that we should avoid.

My Bengal of gold

“My Bengal of gold. I love you” that’s the first line of our national anthem. Is our Bengal gold??? Can I ask this question??? I think so, our country was the Bengal of gold, but now many problem and we the people of Bangladesh has changed it. What are we keeping for our future generation??? Corruption, bad environmental situation, system loss and other bad things which have a big list. We shoul make our country gold as we say in our national anthem and that will happen when all the people of Bangladesh will not thing about only themselves. All the people of Bangladesh have to think about our country.

Our School

In the given picture as you can see it is not a coaching center, it is high school. Shocked??? But that’s the reality. It is only one picture. In Bangladesh there are many high schools like this, where many students are studying. Just think one thing in the rainy season what will they do??? This question has no valid answer and if has who will give the answer. So we should come forward for giving the answer and doing something for this bright and helpless student.


Bangladesh is a country where people face many kind of problem everyday. Natural disaster is one of the most familiar problems for the people of Bangladesh. As we know that our environment is getting polluted day by day and we are using underwater for our daily use. For this the sphere of underwater is getting lower day by day. On the other hand we are drawing our many mineral assets. And these are the reason for breaking our land……as we can see on the picture.

What is going on???

As we can see in the given picture it is nothing, but it is a known street of all. This picture is the flash back of time of our election. Nominees of the election advertise their nomination through posters, but they don't know one fact that they are doing something that is undesirable from them. I mean to say look at this picture....What can you see??? I think it is not looking as beautiful as flower...am I right??? So, please avoid doing such things that can hamper ones as well as a country’s image…..

What are we eating???

What are we eating??? What are we eating??? What are we eating??? A common question for all of the Bangladeshi people that have no well answer to us. When we eat something we thing that is it pure or not??? Is it good for our health or not??? etc. actually we have nothing to do and it’s natural thing, because adulteration rate in food is getting higher day by day. People are mixing bad chemical and other poisonous thing for their own profit, but they are unconscious about that these may cause harm to people’s health. And the question remains unanswered. We need the answer……

Do Something.....

Bangladesh is a country where many king of people live. About 83 percent of Bangladeshis are profess Islam as their religion. The next major religion is Hinduism (16 percent). Other major religions include Buddhism and Christianity. So from this we can say that Bangladeshi people live with proper love and affection to one another. There are many kind of professional people live in this country. They use to work many thing for their live. Weaver loom is a traditional art form as well as business form of of Bangladesh. But I am Feeling very sorry to say that now a days this traditional art form is getting vanished from our country, because the price of linen is getting higher. As a result the opportunity cost of production is also getting higher and the owner of weave loom workshop stopped production. Only government can sort out this problem by taking some possible steps. So government wake up and save our valuable art form......

Be Careful...

In the given picture we can see that a dog is eating tomato. From this picture we may think that the dog is eating these tomatoes because it is wastage and people thrown it out. But for your kind information I want to say you that these tomatoes are not wastage at all. The whole seller of these tomatoes keep this out carelessly and the dog is taking the benefit of this carelessness. Thus we losing our eating food tomato and we know that we have a shortage of that. So we should be careful about these things and we can save this such wastage.

We Are Losing Our Asset

We all know that trees are the most important element of our nature. Without tree people can’t live in this polluted country. In Bangladesh there are some kinds of tree that are not only giving us fresh air, but also providing us some valuable things which we use to enhance our daily life. These trees are often called the asset of our country and one of them is “Shundori”. It is a kind of tree that provides us a valuable thing, which is wood.

Shundori wood is very famous and expensive through the world and these woods are uses for creating many furniture and other important thing. We the people of Bangladesh can’t understand the importance of these valuable woods and we are cutting down the valuable tree ”Shundori” only for burning into ashes. People of Bangladesh are using these trees in the process of making bricks. They are doing such things for which the whole nations are suffering for that. We are losing our important asset day by day which can be prevented by creating awareness among the people who are involved with this kind of work. So wake up Bangladesh and save our asset.


We all know that oxygen is the essential element for a human being and trees are providing oxygen for us. Moreover trees absorb the harmful element of air carbon-die-oxide. But now a days in Bangladesh we can see that people are cutting down trees recklessly for their own live. On the other hand environment pollution is getting higher day by day. As a result the air of Dhaka is getting attacked by this poisonous gas carbon-die-oxide. If this scenario will continue then our future will be in danger. So wake up Bangladesh and save our trees.

We Want to Fly Like A Bird

On the given picture we can see that how helpless people are and how they are living their life. Specially the children are more helpless and they are deprived from many thing...Moreover children are not getting proper education facilities. As a result they remains illiterate and living a dark life without education. The poor people are more suffer of this problem...Bangladesh wake up and let the children fly like a bird in the sky by giving them proper facilities...

Drink Arsenic Free water

As we all know that water is an essential element for a human body. Moreover in water there are some dangerous virus exist and this viruses are harmful for human body. One of them is "Arsenic". Arsenic can found in many tube well water of Bangladesh. Now in our mind there can arise a question "HOW CAN WE KNOW WHICH TUBE WELL IS ARSENIC FREE???" The answer for this Question is so easy and simple and the answer is avoid drinking those tube well water that have red mark, because it contains arsenic virus. On the other hand drink those tube well water which have green mark, because it is arsenic free.........WAKE UP BANGLADESH AND DRINK SAFE WATER.....


We can see this pictures picture. Here we can see two hanging toilet. Hanging toilet is throwing wastage into water. Thus hanging toilet pollutes water. As we can see pic-1 here wastage getting into the river and polluting the river water. On the other hand this river water being used in many household an other work. By using this polluted water people are getting sick. So, I am telling you to use sanitary latrine......


Black smoke is very harmful for human body. In our country we can see that many vehicle throw black smoke and this pollutes our environment.Some reason of causing black smoke and some instruction to get rid from this problem are given below:-

Black smoke is caused by excess fuel that has entered the cylinder area and cannot be burned completely. The burning of excess fuel is also referred to as, "running rich." When black smoke is noticed coming from the tailpipe, it is often coupled with the complaint of poor fuel mileage. Excess fuel will usually effect engine performance, reduce fuel economy, and produce a fuel odor but black smoke from the tailpipe is not, as a rule, a great cause for alarm. Excess fuel can leak into the cylinder if the carburetor is out of adjustment. A faulty fuel pump, a leaky fuel injector, or a failing engine computer or computer sensor can be other reasons for fuel entering the cylinder. If black smoke is present

• Check the engine oil to make sure excess fuel has not contaminated it.
• Look at the engine oil dipstick, or look at the under side of the engine oil filler cap. If the oil is contaminated, it will have the appearance of a chocolate milkshake.
• Do not start the engine if a heavy, raw fuel smell can be detected in the engine oil.
• Call your mechanic and advise him of what you have found.

Child Labor

In Bangladesh child labor is common picture for all of us. Children are working in many dangerous fields for their own live. But child labor is strongly prohibited in our law, but we the people of Bangladesh are not responding to our law. As a result the rate of child labor is increasing day by day. So, wake up Bangladesh and say no to child labor.


This is our favorite Dhaka city in rainy season. As you can see it is looking like a big river, but for your kind information this is not a river. In this picture here we can see a busy road of Dhaka city, which is under water for heavy rain. And people of the Dhaka city are the sufferer. The reason for this situation is our weak drainage system and this picture will remain unchanged if we don’t take any possible steps.


Water is the essential element for human body. In Bangladesh water is getting polluted day by day and water source are are getting vanished. Therefore the shortage of water is increasing at a great number. In Dhaka city this rate is very high. In the given picture we can see that people of Dhaka city are waiting for a bucket of water. They are such in big trouble. But water is needed to everyone. So that they are waiting for taking water.


Bangladesh is a country with full of river. River is the symbol of many beautiful thing, but now a days this rivers are getting polluted day by day. Let me start with our Dhaka's main river that is "BURIGANGA". It is being polluted by people and if we take a look of today's "BURIGANGA" we can observe that where we are now??? If we can't stop this pollution then we will also be polluted as like the pictures child.......So wake up Bangladesh and save our rivers from being pollued.